Friday, October 31, 2008

Be-lated wishes!

I know I've been missing... my great crowds have expressed their deep concern for my absence!! (Thanks for missing me Jennifer! ;)



anyone there? Just Kidding

It's hard to find time to blog when this... is going on in your house!

Seriously, a VERY important event happened last weekend and I didn't MAKE time to blog about it... I'm a horrible wife!!

Yep, my hubby turned 30! We didn't have any big party or anything... in fact he had to work all weekend. (HUGE father/son retreat and a youth retreat at the same time!) Also, since I turn 30 in March, we are planning to "get away" alone soon!!!

In fact for his big 30th birthday bash he got socks and a t-shirt!! BUT We did pull off a BIG surprise for him!! On Friday night (his birthday was Sunday - 26th) his brother Andrew drove up here from Tennessee to spend the weekend!!!

Even though they were REALLY busy with the retreats from Friday to Sunday afternoon - they still found time to be boys!!!We had a birthday cake Sunday evening...

And tried to get ONE good picture with daddy and his boys!

Happy Birthday sweetheart!!! We love you!


geisme said...

Wow, Happy belated b-day Bryan. I was wondering how old y'all are. Now I don't have to any more. :)
Thanks again for all the bloggy help. Everyone loves it, especially me!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Bryan:) Hope you guys have a great weekend:)

4funboys said...

Happy b-day!!!

What great pictures...

and yes... boys will always find to be boys-- no matter how old they are.