Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Upwards End of Season

Saturday was the last day of the Upwards Soccer season. It has been a great time, but it's also gotten really cold the past two weeks. Carter still had lots of fun! They introduced each player one-by-one and they ran through the "tunnel" of parents! It was really cute!

On Sunday night they had and end-of-season ceremony... There was a special speaker (local former sports anchor) and every child had their name called and got a nice sports bag. We got there early to get our seat... good thing it was packed. So the little boys entertained themselves running up and down the side isle... until more people started coming.
Carter sat with his team... the "Wolverines".
Carter was REALLY shy when up on stage... can't you tell? !!
Great Job Carter!!!


Anonymous said...

Great job Carter! I love you soooo much and I can't wait to see you! I hope you are having a lot of fun with school. Don't give your mom too hard of a time.

Kelly said...

I love the pictures thing! Sorry I haven't posted in a while . . . life is . . . life. Thanks for posting on mine. Maybe I'll do better about posting on a semi-regular basis!!

Pegsy said...

Sounds like so much fun! I love those "milestone" events in our kids lives. Great pictures, too! Check out my blog - I finally posted!

Queen to my 3 Boys said...

What fun photos!