IT'S BACK! Our computer has come home! I'm so excited! I feel like I can now rejoin life! I'll do a quick picture update over the past two weeks! 
I posted last that My parents came for a visit (they left yesterday). While here the main event was the boys being so sick, but we did find time for fun (before I knew just how sick they were!) We went bowling - that's when Wyatt got a strike! 

I would say that over all it was a good visit, but I sure wish the boys hadn't been sick... UPDATE - They are SLOWLY getting better... The coughs are still hanging around, but they are starting to act "normal" again!

In October, I took the boys "trunk-or-treating" at our church. Carter was a camo guy- Hayden was a turtle -Wyatt was a train engineer - I was a mom (If you can't tell I had my hair messy, a sock on my back, and "dirt" on my face. ) We all had a blast! This was our second year going!

On Monday we celebrated Carter's 5th birthday! It was so busy! (I'm so thankful for my parents help! I've not had them here before when we had a party and it was GREAT!) My mom decorated the cakes (we had cake for Wyatt so my parents could be part of his birthday too!). She did an EXCELLENT job, but I knew she would! Carter had a University of Kentucky party and Wyatt had a tractor cake! We also had a hayride... it was COLD and WINDY, but the kids loved it! We "gave" Carter a soapbox derby car that a friend had given us... of course he thinks it's great! (He also got a box of dress up clothes - Halloween is good for that!) 
Wyatt didn't like his cake... crazy huh? I'm sure that he'll warm up to it later!

Wyatt didn't like his cake... crazy huh? I'm sure that he'll warm up to it later!

I would say that over all it was a good visit, but I sure wish the boys hadn't been sick... UPDATE - They are SLOWLY getting better... The coughs are still hanging around, but they are starting to act "normal" again!
Now on to more adventures... Andrew, Rachael, Bailey, and Andrea are coming up this Friday for the weekend... Hopefully we will all be well!
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