Monday, August 25, 2008

Vacation 2008 - Monday Moment - Firstborn Milestone

OK I'm going to be all sentimental and sappy like you always are when the firstborn does something new!! (Great for me since I am a firstborn ;) Before our "get away adventure", Bryan so sweetly mowed for my parents. Of course Carter wanted to help, so Bryan let him have a shot at it.... he did pretty good. Bryan figured the mowing in a circle was the safest thing so he doesn't mow over stuff!!! (Oh if you hear about a "crop circle" in northern Virginia... now you know where it came from!!) Maybe I should hire him out to mow laws... in circles.. they could be big business....


mylifewith5kids said...

Karen, did you see my post from yesterday? Daniel found something that Bryan has to see!!!


I want you to know that I love your blog and I have passed on an award.

Missy said...

We used to mow the yard at my grandpa's on his riding mower all the time. Even now sometimes I see a guy mowing the median and think wow, that looks like fun.

Then I remember that it is 100 degrees in the shade and realize, no, it wouldn't be much fun after all!

Anonymous said...

Awww, my oldest mowed the lawn with the riding mower just this past Friday! How did he get so big?!

I LOVE the song on your site (Everlasting God)! Thank you! I needed to hear it :)

4funboys said...

that was really sweet!

ps... check out this group
downhere... The song is called "Great are you"

It's amazing!!! I thought you might like it.

david santos said...


Anonymous said...

Karen, you need to tell Carter that Grandma mowed the yard today - in one HUGE circle. I was thinking of Carter mowing, and I decided to mow just like he did! Grandmas are entitled to do things - 'just because my grandson did'. Grandpa got a big laugh out of that.