Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We are HOME!! It's nice, but OH so much to do...
I'll post soon about our trip home... what a trip!
Let's just say when it was over.. Bryan said, " This will be a great post for your blog!"


Pegsy said...

Uh-Oh! I can hardly wait to hear the whole story!! Welcome back to the blogging world!

Queen to my 3 Boys said...

Welcome home!

Sounds exciting...waiting in anticipation!

BTW...love that your hubby 'understands' blogging. Mine does too and it's sweet.

3boys247 said...

Welcome home, we missed you.

My hubby always says he is going to put things on his blog, he doesn't have one BTW. He is thinking of taking WhyIsSheAlwaysRight.blogspot.com or CantTellHer(insert word here).blogspot.com

Isn't he cute. Can't what to hear your story!

Jennifer said...

I am with mama peggy:) Did you get my card? Or do I need to clean?

Emily Jennings said...

But we didn't get to see you!!!

4funboys said...

welcome back!!

ditto 3boys247!!

Pegsy said...

You are crazy - but I thought we already knew that! ;-) O.K., for the baked oatmeal... Go back to the post - I linked the words "baked oatmeal" to the recipe that I posted on Recipeasy! Are you sure you're not pregnant, cause I think your memory is going! :-) And you didn't say if you liked the house or not????