OK I'm TRYING to get my life back on track... but it's slow going!!! I have tons of pictures to post from our trip and I don't have CLUE where to begin!!! For now I'll leave you with this Monday Moment.
Over the past few days we have had RECORD rainfall (some of it was from the remains of Gustav heading WAY up here!) I'm talking almost 12 inches in TWO days!!!
Bryan was at our church until 3am bailing the basement out... and is headed back tonight because at 3pm today the water FINALLY Stopped pouring in... I picture it as bailing a sinking boat with a sieve!!!
Before the REALLY heavy down pour we had ALREADY gotten 6 inches of rain... so since there are so FEW days of warm weather left.... 

I don't know if you can tell; Carter had mud all up his back! He was so proud of his muddy back!

All that fun was on Saturday... then Gustav (what remained of the hurricane) hit us on Sunday with BUCKETS of RAIN....

This is the little pump house that sits across from the Lodge... the water is actually DOWN a little from what it was!!!

I have so much more to share... our trip, the blow-out (you can decide which kind), Carter's school (we finished day one - since we just got home last Monday), and MUCH MORE! Don't give up on me people I'm still swingin' (with that grammar maybe I shouldn't be teaching Carter to read!)
Girl, I won't give up on you! I personally have NOOOO room to talk! It is amazing to see how far reaching the rain from these last few hurricanes has gone!
Hope Bryan was able to sufficiently bail the church out.
Riding bikes through puddles is a favorite pasttime here!
Wow! That is wet, wet, wet!! Poor little pumphouse! At least your boys found a way to make the best of it! They crack me up!
Looks like fun! Sean loves play in the rain. Your doing a great job keep up the good work
welcome back!!!!
try to stay dry...
I am sure the boys are having fun with the mud. Dry off, get settled and then fill us in.
I loved the pictures, that huge puddle looks like a little boys dream come true.
Wow! Time to SWIM! Miss you guys...and I forgot to say THANK YOU so much for the tool kit for my birthday. It's super cute and I already was able to hang up my curtains in my apartment using that stuff! It's GREAT! Love you all and miss you so much!
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