At the end of last month, Carter was part of the annual Science Fair at Austin Peay University...
For each local school there were three children competing for each grade. Carter was the ONLY 1st grade home schooler to compete.There were A LOT of first graders!
While Carter didn't place in the competition, every child received a participation medal.
I think he still had a lot of fun.
He learned a lot and it was a great experience overall. Not bad for MY first science fair project since 3rd grade!!
For Carter's project he chose five different paper airplane designs (including one he designed himself). The then flew each one five times and then averaged their distance. His goal was to see which paper airplane design flew the farthest. "The Moth" design was the winner.
While we WON'T be doing this EVERY year, I do plan to make it a regular part of our school schedule. (Per my mom's advice, I'm going to schedule them so that I only have one project at a time.)
Haikus, continued . . .
11 years ago
WOW!!! I am VERY impressed with his project!! WAY TO GO CARTER!!Karen, you are such a great homeschool mom. So wish that I would have been better at it.
i am a hacker jk lolololol :D
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