Well it's been a LOT longer than I realized since I've blogged! If I'm not careful I'll turn into Kelly (just teasing sis!) I have a good excuse!
Seriously it's been a CRAZY week! All three boys were sick and we are in the midst of our 2nd week of Fall Family Camp! One Wyatt picture... he climbs into and on EVERYTHING in sight!
Fall Family Camp - our last week of fall camp is winding down. Tonight was pretzel night... so I thought I'd post some fun pictures. Hayden and Bradley Herdklotz were having fun... so was Bryan and Jimmy (He's our camp director). 

Boys - Last week I took Wyatt to the dr. for an ear infection... which I was right about! (don't you hate it when you take them and the dr. says it's just a virus! I try to wait at least two weeks before we go for cold-like symptoms - unless I can't stand it anymore or they just aren't sleeping.) Anyway, he started to get better until on Sunday I noticed a rash on his stomach. Turns out he's allergic to amoxicillan... so now he's doing MUCH better on the other stuff! On Tuesday I took Carter in to the dr. for what I thought may be a sinus infection....nope he has walking pneumonia! After 24 hrs. on meds he's improving too... although his attitude leaves a lot to be desired! (I let him rent a car PlayStation2 game, since he couldn't be around friends for 24hrs. I think the TV/video time has effected the attitude!

Meet the staff -
I realized as I was posting pictures that many of you don't know the staff we work with... so I'll try to introduce you to them. (For those that do know them ... this is an update or a good laugh)
Camp Director - 

Jimmy and Lori Herdklotz -Jimmy is our coffee drinking, nature loving, soccer playing fearless leader! And Lori is his balance! They are our neighbors to the left of us. (Or our emergency grocery store/ babysitting service... whatever you want to call them.) They have three boys (yes there is a big age difference between Austin and Bradley - no he wasn't a surprise! I must admit they were smart with the built in babysitters now!) Bradley is one of Hayden's buddies since they are only a few months apart in age! Jonathan and Austin are Carter's buddies because he bugs them until they play with him! (They really are pretty patient with Carter and Hayden. The boys think they are so cool!)
Jimmy and Lori are also in process of adopting a little boy or girl from Ethiopia. (Pray for them as the adoption process is moving forward.) Bryan has been working along with Jimmy on special projects, usually for Lori - she is in charge of the decor' around here. It's been really neat to get to know them over the past 10 years!
One crazy fact - Jonathan was only a year older than Carter is now when Bryan and I first joined Life Action in 1997! That's wild to think about! Makes me feel old! So that's a little about them... tune in next time for another intro to someone else on staff... if I remember :) ( I guess this means I need to corner them for photo opts.)
I'll try to do better posting, but we'll see what happens!
I'll try to do better posting, but we'll see what happens!
Someone needed to comment, so I guess it's us! Aunt Connie read your blog - she already knew about the boys being sick.
Dad and Mom are looking forward to being up north in just TWO weeks. We have lots of hugs to share. We know how much Karen LOVES our hugs!!! Grandpa said to tell Carter that the cheesepuffs are on the way!
hmmmm, maybe you are turning into me . . . . . . .
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