So I was talking to a friend today about "if I had known". As in... If I had known when I got married I would have three boys by 2007 I think I may have run the other way! (Just kidding - I wouldn't trade being married to Bryan or having ANY of my 3 boys.) But it got me thinking how GLAD I am I didn't know! God gives you what you can handle, although many days I don't think I handle the boys very well. Lately my temper has gotten the best of me. I really don't know why, but maybe it has something to do with a more mobile and curious Wyatt, super hyper Carter, copy-cat Hayden, and me not taking the time I NEED to have my quiet time! When I think about that the future holds I have to admit that there is a tiny bit of fear of the "what-if's" but looking back over the past I truly can see that GOD does give us what we can handle. Even if that is 3 boys- inside on a cold windy day- and LOTS of energy!
So what if you had known?
Haikus, continued . . .
10 years ago
if I had known that I would be 27 and still single, teaching 24 hyper-active 3rd graders, and living by myself, I would have found the first guy that looked not too repulsive and eloped in Vegas. Not really, but it was very stress-relieving to say that! No, I love where I'm at now. I don't know how I would handle the first year of teaching if I were married -- If supper is a bowl of cereal, I'm the only one who would complain -- and I like cereal!
I understand too, Karen. If I had known what my pregnancy would have been like, then I KNOW I wouldn't have gotten pregnant. Well, not really, b/c God designates those things. But I love my Sophie and wouldn't trade her for the world.
I am having a hard time today with the children growing up so fast!! I was told a million times that they would, but I never believed anyone! If only I had known that everyone was right, I would have spent so much more time playing with the children. I regret the many hours I have wasted on myself and not spent them with the kids!! I pray that this marks a change in my life.
feeling your raising your boys/temper pain today and the need for my own quiet time. i just can't figure out where that fits in my day right now. know that i'm with you on the same page with the same issues right now!
There is a long string of things I would have done differently 'if I had known.' BUT...I would not be the person I am now or in the place I am now if things had not happened as they did.
I will say that 'if I had known' I would be single at 30 years of age, I would have done my college years differently and probably have followed a different career.
Hey, anything going on? We all are wondering
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