Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What if?

So I was talking to a friend today about "if I had known". As in... If I had known when I got married I would have three boys by 2007 I think I may have run the other way! (Just kidding - I wouldn't trade being married to Bryan or having ANY of my 3 boys.) But it got me thinking how GLAD I am I didn't know! God gives you what you can handle, although many days I don't think I handle the boys very well. Lately my temper has gotten the best of me. I really don't know why, but maybe it has something to do with a more mobile and curious Wyatt, super hyper Carter, copy-cat Hayden, and me not taking the time I NEED to have my quiet time! When I think about that the future holds I have to admit that there is a tiny bit of fear of the "what-if's" but looking back over the past I truly can see that GOD does give us what we can handle. Even if that is 3 boys- inside on a cold windy day- and LOTS of energy!
So what if you had known?


Kelly said...

if I had known that I would be 27 and still single, teaching 24 hyper-active 3rd graders, and living by myself, I would have found the first guy that looked not too repulsive and eloped in Vegas. Not really, but it was very stress-relieving to say that! No, I love where I'm at now. I don't know how I would handle the first year of teaching if I were married -- If supper is a bowl of cereal, I'm the only one who would complain -- and I like cereal!

Anonymous said...

I understand too, Karen. If I had known what my pregnancy would have been like, then I KNOW I wouldn't have gotten pregnant. Well, not really, b/c God designates those things. But I love my Sophie and wouldn't trade her for the world.

mylifewith5kids said...

I am having a hard time today with the children growing up so fast!! I was told a million times that they would, but I never believed anyone! If only I had known that everyone was right, I would have spent so much more time playing with the children. I regret the many hours I have wasted on myself and not spent them with the kids!! I pray that this marks a change in my life.

Jen said...

feeling your raising your boys/temper pain today and the need for my own quiet time. i just can't figure out where that fits in my day right now. know that i'm with you on the same page with the same issues right now!

Mindy said...

There is a long string of things I would have done differently 'if I had known.' BUT...I would not be the person I am now or in the place I am now if things had not happened as they did.

I will say that 'if I had known' I would be single at 30 years of age, I would have done my college years differently and probably have followed a different career.

Jeannine said...

Hey, anything going on? We all are wondering