Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Moment - Growing up is hard to do!

Here's the proof that growing up keeping up is hard to do!

Wyatt has been taking on life at FULL force and suffered quite a few bumps/bruises along the way...
Recently he has...
Grabbed my flat iron when I wasn't looking..

He fell off something sometime and bumped his head (it's hard to see it in the picture) He RODE his bike down the hill and crashed of course!The next day AT CHURCH he fell or tripped over something and hurt himself just before Bryan went to pick him up from his class! (See the HUGE bump in the middle of his forehead? OH... this is a different time from the earlier one)

After all that in the past week and a half ... he STILL doesn't want to slow down!!
We keep our angels busy over here!


Keilah said...

Didn't you get the memo? DANGER = FUN to boys! Love and miss you all!

Homegrown Tribe said...


We have those same pj's.. too cute!


Amanda said...

Boys will be boys- but speaking from experience, girls are just as bad. :) Love the new look!

Pegsy said...

Yes, I agree with Amanda in the previous comment! Girls are just as bad! Sara has just as many or more bumps and bruises and cuts and scrapes than her brother! Oh well, at least our kids are active and not just sitting in front of the T.V. or something all day!

3boys247 said...

Ah yes. Thanks for reminding me to purchase stock in BandAids and Ace Bandages.

It sounds like Wyatt is trying to keep up with Carter.

Pegsy said...

Hey, I posted a comment on my blog to answer your question about Joshua and the coffee!

Jenny said...

You have one cutie/tough guy on your hands! What a trooper!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! But, boys will be boys ye know!!

Angelique said...

Oh he is adorable!! I love full steam ahead children - all three of mine are like that :)

Unknown said...

Oh, poor little guy! He is adorable and I love how he's just not letting anything slow him down!

Melissa said...

boys will be boys! My nephew is the same way. That boy does NOT sit down from morning till night. Even when he's watching a movie he's playing with his toys at the same time. They have an incredible amount of energy!

Miss Lisa said...

Awwww...poor little guy. He's still a doll :)

Carol said...

Oh bless him. He clearly thinks he is invincible.

Even totally cute with all his bumps and bruises etc

mom2natnkatncj said...

Oh no is this what I have to look forward to as a mom of a boy?

4funboys said...

ahhh... poor thing.

The bigger they get, the bigger the boo-boos...