Next stop was Virginia..
After leaving Kentucky we headed to Virginia to visit my parents.
We were going to get to Virginia then two days later go to Six Flags in DC with my sisters and brother...
God had other plans...
"what goes down..."
you know the saying...
paints a colorful picture when I say that..
Wyatt then Carter came down with the flu...
Before Carter got sick he went with Hayden to visit my sister, Keilah, at work
(she is in charge of the crafts at a local campground!)
The one thing she REALLY wanted the boys to do was the airbrush tattoos...
THEY loved it
(Carter was starting to feel bad and stayed quiet - that's what my mom said.. I was back at the house with VERY sick Wyatt)
Carter made it through in time to get back and get sick! 

(Wyatt did get bad enough we had to go to the ER, but after some oral meds. he was doing better! I thought about taking pictures.... probably not the best time!)
Once Carter felt better I took a picture of him showing of his "tat"! 

Keilah had to head back to college early so we only saw her a few days :(
That's all for now...

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