Baby it's COLD outside... This icicle was on the side of our house!!!You can't have all the snow without having some fun... since we have A LOT of snow with more falling now we had to have some fun, fun, fun!!
A couple nights ago we decided it was time to start teaching Hayden to ski...
Wyatt wanted to get in on the action...
Then Carter and Bryan got creative and this happened...
Yep... that's Carter behind the gator.... Bryan got me to drive; so that he could ski too!!

Yep... that's Carter behind the gator.... Bryan got me to drive; so that he could ski too!!
It was late so we called it quits... for the time being....
They had so much fun they recruited more "friends" the next day... and the next day.... and...

Notice the blur of snow falling.. it was coming down HARD when they were doing this!
Carter decided to show off his snowboarding skills (this is his "play" snowboard... he's even better on his real one!)
The boyz got skillz....
Hayden had a blast jumping in the snow...trying to walk around... 12 inches on the ground now..
I tried to get a photo of Wyatt "walking" in the snow... it was up to his thigh. His favorite thing was to free fall backwards into the snow!! He cracked up every time!!!

Baby it's COLD OUTSIDE!!!!!!

Oh so SO MISS the Michigan snow's. Have fun playing in it for me.
I am completely jealous of all the snow!! We very rarely see snow in south Mississippi. I love your boys' name, so cute! And I love the music on your blog...David Crowder Band is one of my favorites!!
Looks like so much fun! Only Bryan would think of the Gator! I never thought of that, but the road to the Tab is actually a pretty good beginner ski hill!
Umm, so with the wind chill that cold, let me just advise you to keep the children inside... Frost bite on little cheeks is a real threat. When the skin is no longer bright red, but starts to turn white, it's happening. If you have to go out, put Vaseline on their faces first. (This is just Momma Peggy speaking!) Stay warm! Love you!
I think I'm ready to move up there. We finally got some snow today, but it was only less than an inch and is already melted! We did get a 2 hour delay out of the deal, though!
Wow! It IS cold. Looks like a blast. I wouldn't mind a visit to the snow, but I really don't miss it. Especially with a little baby. I hate all that bundling and unbundling (my new word).
It looks like SO much fun!! I can't wait to be able to get out and play in the snow with my boys!
What a fun day! I hope you had lots of hot chocolate!
I'm envious of the snow. We have snow, but not great snow. We also have the freezing cold temps. UGGHHH! Don't like that.
Love the new blog look along with the new signature.
The pix look super fun. I think it would be a blast to visit up there any time of year. Do y'all have a lot of humidity?
A dummy is a what I think you call a pacifier
Okay, Karen, I don't get are freezing in Michigan, so you are going to Canada to freeze some more??? You should be coming to Florida instead!!! What were you thinking??? Maybe next year?!
I must say you are my inspiration for the new blog backgrounds and stuff. I just want to figure out how you put like little pictures or "buttons" on the main top background thing. Like where I have that black section with the white flower thingy? And how can I change the text to something more flowy? The only options on blogger are like plain, straight-looking texts. So you see where there's like a blank part underneath the text of the title? That's where I'd like to put a little more facebook flair-like things. Advice? Email me. Love you all and I'm glad you're enjoying the snow! I've had two two hour delays and two snow days, all in a row!
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