The day after Carter's "dip" in the lake... he went skiing with Bryan, and a friend from church. They headed WAY up north almost to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This is a yearly trip (great deal at the resort) and they had a BLAST!!The morning after they got back Bryan and I left for the eastern side of Michigan for a friend's wedding... our hotel was right on the river. Just over the river was CANADA!!!
Scott and Derrick were both in our wedding ... Bryan and Scott were in Derrick's wedding.... now Bryan and Derrick are in Scott's wedding!!
Come on Scott... let's go... (It was SOOOO COLD - words can't even say how cold - for this picture)
Scott and his beautiful bride...
A blessing from the parents

I've always wondered what happened with Scott. So happy for him! And Derrick is looking well. I hate to have lost contact with all the people I traveled with.
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